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Education worldwide

I-TUMAR INC.’s goal is to help customers grow a tree of lifelong skills by organizing and making learning available on a global platform SKILLHATCHER. The mission is to provide interested clients, students, job seekers, employees, and others, with career guidance analysis that will help them make important educational and occupational choices.


Skillhatcher will assist various individuals in determining both short- and long-term objectives for the purpose of developing their skills, having greater opportunities in the labor market, advancing their careers, and realizing their full potential.



+1 619 559 36 79

+1 646 691 53 05

email: Nara@itumar.com


"Your career is like a garden. It can hold an assortment of life's energy that yields a bounty for you. You do not need to grow just one thing in your garden. You do not need to do just one thing in your career."—Jennifer Ritchie Payette


Our services:

Career Guidance Services

IT consulting

Software development

Workforce skill development

Project management